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Thank you to The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) which is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Moreton Bay Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland for the continuing creating arts grant for me to attend a songwriting workshop in 2024 with Charles Jenkins who is a Melbourne songwriter/musician, producer and performer with more than 30 years experience in the Australian Music Industry.  This songwriting retreat was organised via the Blackwood Collaborative in Blackwood, Victoria.  I had a fabulous two days in beautiful Blackwood with 5 other participants where we wrote a group song and also an individual song and had the opportunity to also record the songs at the end of the retreat.  Such a great weekend and to be able to spend a weekend discussing the art of songwriting in a wonderful location with some very nice people at a songwriting retreat was indeed a Treat.  

APRA Presentation

Group Photo - Inaugural Blackwood Collaborative Songwriting Retreat with Charles Jenkins

Waiting for Brenda will be playing at the 2024 Nimbin Roots Festival in October - stay tuned for full program